



However, when broken down into private-sector workers and public-sector workers, only 44.2 percent of public-sector workers were in favor of the reform, while 55.8 percent were against it, while 72.5 percent of private-sector workers support小額貸款10萬ed reform, as opposed to 25.1 percent against.


Asked how the government would address detractors of pension reform, DPP spokesman Yang Chia-liang (楊家俍) said that it would focus on debunking rumors and erroneous information being土地貸款銀行 disseminated on social media to boost the public’s confidence in reform.

Categorized by age group, about 70 percent of public-sector workers under 40 expressed approval of the policies put forward by the commi哪一家銀行信貸利率最低t玉山銀行車貸利率tee so far, the results sho農會貸款流程w房貸比較ed.大眾銀行信貸三峽支票借款

Additional reporting 民間代書借款by CNA


By Sean Lin / Staff rep欠卡債協商o個人信貸銀行比較rter

A majority of private-sector workers and public-sector workers, 90.3 percent and 77.2 percent respectively,卡債如何償還 said they would like the pension system to be reviewed every five or 10 years to ensure that it is financially sound, while 19.7 percent of public-sector workers and 8 percent of private-sector workers had the contrary opinion, the survey found.債務協商註記

The proposed “transferable pension” system, which allows the pensions private-sector workers have accrued to be added to the amount of time they serve as a public servant, if they make such a tran台中快速借錢s信貸試算excelition, similarly won nonpartisan support from both private-sector workers and public-sector workers, registering support ratings of 87 percent and 89.6 percent re台中市借錢spectively, the poll showed.

A majority of the publ土地銀行勞工貸款ic hopes that pension reform can be completed by the end of this year, with policies put forward by the Pension Reform Committee garnering widespread support from public and private-sector workers younger than 40, the results of a survey released yesterday by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) found.

They include plans to gradually increase the labor insurance勞保貸款資格 premium from 12 percent to 18 percent to prevent the pension system from going bankrupt, and to gradually phase out the 18 percent preferential savings interest rate enjoyed by public-sector work台中套房貸款ers hired before 1995.

Public-sector workers were more supportive of forming a “sustainable pension system that the government can afford that ensures all present and future retirees would receive their pensions,” with 88 percent of them responding positively to the idea, compared with the 整合負債好嗎86.8 percent registered by private-sector workers, the results showed.

A DPP source said that the survey also showed growing support for President Tsai Ing-w買車分期條件en (蔡英文) after her administration had laid out its pension reforms.

微型創業鳳凰貸款The party’s latest survey fo信貸條件und that Tsai had an approval rating of 43.9 percent after a national con房貸增貸買車vention on pens台北民間二胎i青年結婚貸款on reform.

The survey, conducted among Taiwanese aged at least 20, collected 1,009 valid samples nationwide, with a 95 percent confidence level and a 3.1 percent margin of error.

Overall, 70.4 percent of跟銀行借錢 respondents said that they want pension reform to be accomplished before next year, while 25.9 percent sta高雄代書貸款ted the opposite view.

POPULAR POLICY: A Democratic Progressive Party source said that the survey also showed that Tsai Ing-wen’s approval rating had increa卡債處理sed on the back of the refroms



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